Improve target positioning, accelerate transformation and upgrading, and build high-end intelligent petroleum equipment manufacturing base and oil service enterprise headquarters base

Chen Bichang stressed when investigating the high-quality development of petroleum equipment industry

Improve target positioning and accelerate transformation and upgrading

Build high-end intelligent petroleum equipment manufacturing base and oil service enterprise headquarters base

On the morning of August 11, Chen Bichang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Dongying District to investigate the high-quality development of petroleum equipment industry. Li Junfeng, vice mayor, Shu Huawen, vice mayor and deputy general manager of Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau Co., Ltd., and responsible comrades of Dongying District, Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone, relevant departments directly under the municipal government and relevant research institutes of Shengli Oilfield attended the activity.

Chen Bichang went to Weifei offshore equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shengli engineering high-end equipment industrial base and Shengli Oilfield Shengji Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd. to have an in-depth conversation with relevant principals and learn more about the production and operation, technological innovation and market development of the enterprise. Subsequently, a symposium was held to listen to the situation report, study and deploy specific measures to promote the high-quality development of petroleum equipment industry.

Chen Bichang pointed out that the petroleum equipment industry is an important characteristic industry in Dongying, with strong overall strength and huge development space in the future. Facing the new situation and new challenges, departments at all levels and enterprises should focus on the implementation of the "chain length system" of key industries, improve target positioning, strengthen confidence and determination, and accelerate the construction of high-end intelligent petroleum equipment manufacturing base and oil service enterprise headquarters base.

As for the next work, Chen Bichang stressed that first, we should clarify the target direction, focus on breaking through unconventional equipment, intelligent equipment, offshore oil equipment and production increasing services in old oil areas, accelerate the transformation to high-end, intelligent and "manufacturing + service", and strive to double the output value of oil equipment industry at the end of the 14th five year plan. Second, we should focus on key parks, support Dongying high tech Zone to create a national high-tech zone, pay attention to the construction of high-end petroleum equipment professional industrial park, introduce and layout a number of upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, do a good job in supplementing, extending and strengthening the chain, and create a collaborative and efficient industrial cluster. Third, we should strengthen backbone enterprises, make overall plans for project planning and construction, scientific and technological innovation support and enterprise listing, implement echelon enterprise cultivation actions, cultivate a number of domestic leading backbone enterprises and specialized "invisible champion" enterprises, and build a good pattern for the development of large, medium and small enterprise clusters. Fourth, we should deepen mechanism innovation, innovate talent exchange and sharing and scientific research cooperation mechanism, vigorously support the development of oilfield restructuring enterprises, and amplify the characteristic advantages of oil-land integration development. Fifth, we should pool the joint efforts of all parties, strengthen factor guarantee, take the initiative to follow up services, fully promote the implementation of the "chain length system", and create a good environment for the high-quality development of the petroleum equipment industry.

Li Junfeng and Shu Huawen spoke on promoting the high-quality development of petroleum equipment industry( Reporter: Wen / Wang Junjie (picture / Tian Yu)

Release time:2021-08-25 16:26:41